Steve’s Forest Cafe (Video)


Today, I would like to introduce the third instalment in the ‘forest’ series, Steve’s Forest Cafe. The basic structure was made using recycled cardboard and boxes.


The café offers such delicacies as nuts and berries and freshly baked bread.


Climb the stairs to the rooftop terrace.


The entrance to the shop.


An empty box of Twiglets formed the base of the tree trunk.


I added some extra height to a wall around the terrace. First, I had to decide where to put the openings for the door and the counter, and then cut them out. I used wire and aluminium foil to create a more natural tree shape. For the stairs, I cut styrofoam panels to size, and attached them using a glue gun.


After I finished the basic shape, I added kitchen towel. If using 2-ply kitchen towel, you will need to separate the layers. I first applied PVC glue diluted with a little water, then added the tissue and finally more glue.


Once dry, I painted everything black. This wouldn’t have been necessary if I had used black tissue paper.


I’m really sorry, but I forgot to take photos of the later colouring. Basically, I just used lots of layers of green and brown acrylic. The mushrooms and rocks were made with paper clay. The door, table and chair were made from recycled regular and corrugated cardboard.


The rooftop can be removed and on the ceiling below, there is an LED lamp.


The cafe is open – please come and visit!


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9 thoughts on “Steve’s Forest Cafe (Video)”

  1. Fantastic! Love all your process pictures & video. Would love to sit and take in the view with a mug of latte! Steph x

    • Thank you so much, Steph! I’m trying to do more process photos and videos but the problem is that I often forget log something in the middle of the project! :-D

  2. This is so clever! And it remnds of a cafe in the woods I went to in Lativa.That was magical too. They did great pizza. But I digress! This and the other forest models you’ve made really inspire me to give this a go. I’ve been thinking lately that I want to make something out of papier mache to share on my blog and this is very simialr in some aspects. I feel an elf home in the forest is taking shape in my mind. Now I need to find the time to make it happen.

    • Thanks, Kathryn. You should definitely give it a go. I think it’s always easier to do something new when you already have the interest to inspire you – elves, fairies etc. That was how it came about for me. Actually, you have also inspired my husband – after he saw your website, he started doing mandalas!


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