Craft Making Magazines

Card making and Papercraft Magazine


Card making and Papercraft Magazine

One thing that surprised me when I first came to England was how many handicraft magazines there were. You don’t even need to go to a bookstore, as you would in Japan. The supermarket magazine shelves are overflowing with them! There are at least ten magazines related to paper crafting alone and probably 40 or 50 covering everything from quilting, cross-stitching, knitting, sewing and so on.

The great thing is that these magazines are fairly cheap, around £5.00 – £8.00 (¥750 ~ ¥1200) and astonishingly include some kind of free gift in every issue! (They are even cheaper if you go for an annual subscription.) These are often good quality and I have used them in my own crafting. Of course, the contents are full of ideas and techniques and it is tough to read, especially because they are in English!

The first craft magazine I bought in England was the April 2016 issue of Cardmaking & Papercraft magazine. At that time I had never done card making, but I am ashamed to admit that I was attracted to the free gift! It was a very luxurious set that included a stamp, embossing folder and design paper by one of my favourite British artists, Cicely Mary Barker. I was happy to just to look at it and didn’t even want to use it for a long time! This is how I got started with card making.



私がイギリスに来て初めて購入したのは去年、2016年4月号 “Cardmaking & Papercraft” でした。その頃はカードメイキングなんてしたことなかったのですが、恥ずかしながらこの”付録”に惹かれたからです。それは私の好きなイギリスのアーティスト Cicely Mary Barker のスタンプとエンボッシングフォルダー、デザインペーパーまでセットになったとても豪華なもので、もう眺めているだけで幸せでした。

Welcome to Nozomi Design

steve toadstool


steve toadstool

I haven’t blogged in over 10 years and have barely touched social media in that time either. Since I moved to the UK in 2014, I haven’t worked because my Japanese architect license isn’t valid in this country. This means that I don’t meet people much on a day-to-day basis and I’ve become a bit of a recluse. I can’t be like this anymore!

I’ve resolved to change things and with the help of my husband decided to start this blog. I don’t know how long it will last but I want to take it easy and enjoy doing it. Sometimes I can be a bit obsessive about new projects which cause me to lose interest over time.

I’m a little embarrassed by the title of the blog, Nozomi Design. To me, It feels a little ostentatious and a bit too proud! I guess it’s a Japanese way of thinking! My husband is British and he chose the name because he thinks it sounds good in English. Perhaps he thinks too highly of me but I will bow to his judgement! Haha!

To anyone who stumbles upon this blog by chance, I would like to say, ‘Pleased to meet you!’

もうかれこれ10年以上もブログしてないしソーシャルメディアも放置状態。イギリスに移ってからは仕事もせず人にも会わずほとんど引きこもり状態の私、こんなんではいけない!と思い立ち自にムチ打ちながら旦那の助けを借りてブログを立ち上げた次第です。そんなんだからいつまで続くかわかりませんが、今度はあまり根を詰めず気楽に楽しみながらやっていけたらいいな〜と思っています。ブログのタイトルも”Nozomi Design”なんて自分では小っ恥ずかしくて大層な名前の気がしますが愛する旦那様が授けてくださった名前なのでありがたく使っていこうと思います。(爆)何かの縁でこのブログを目にしてくださった皆様、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。